I jumped at the chance to work together with After the Pandemic to provide a platform for young people to have a voice in and around COP26.
Working with ATP to agree topics I then set off to develop the ‘Together we have one voice’ series.
The four events saw students from the north east of England and Scotland get together like never before for this exciting project. Current students and former students from 8 separate schools, colleges and universities took part.
Many of them have since gone onto further collaborations and STEM work proving that we can all inspire each other 🙂
All are available on the dedicated EngTog/ATP YouTube channel but also on the ATP COP26 Channel.
Going in circles – Frustrations about wasteful past generations. Waste prevention through the circular economy.
City Design for tomorrow – How can cities be more inclusive to communities? What the future holds?
What future will you leave for me? – Concerns of young people. What changes are needed in your town?
Are we training for a greener future? – What skills are needed to enable action? Is my education fit for the future?
Some of the key messages from our wonderful panellists and chairs…