From previous initiatives within group it was agreed that large events, tasks, initiatives, etc could be best managed by forming ‘subgroups’ primarily made up from group council members and others with special interest and/or skills/knowledge.
A ‘Champion’ to lead each subgroup would be agreed who would lead and co-ordinate the actions of the sub-group and its supporters/volunteers.
The following sub-groups and ‘champions’ were agreed
Role – Website (including some Marketing, Branding, Logo, and other Social media)
Champion – Andy Stevenson, IMechE
2020 Great Exhibition of the Tees Valley (GETV)
Role – Great Exhibition event organisation. Great Exhibition of the Tees Valley (GETV) flyer attached which forms the basis of the event.
Champion – Paul Ingram, The RSA
2025 events
Role – how groups can help with City of Culture / Stockton to Darlington
Champion – Paula McMahon, ICE (temporary)
Current funding landscape
Role – Task is to find possible funders (‘without stepping on toes’).
Champion – Neville Winter, IET