The lovely students at Kilton Thorpe School Academy made me feel very welcome.
We chatted about all things engineering, road maintenance and careers before picking a book to read as a group.
Mr Race’s class choose Lottie Loves Water and we had some fantastic chats about Jo’s work repairing pipes. Miss Smith’s class choose Lotties Lockdown Adventure and conversations including being resilient and how engineers design for earthquakes.
I met some lovely students including a future author 🙂 Many of the students were keen to select their favourite Lottie Doll and of course try on a hard hat.
Leaving printed books means the conversations can continue thanks to the Cleveland Scientific Institution.
Our Chair, Paula, has a lovely visit to Galley Hill Primary School today.
Each of the four classes talked about different things like litter picking, not wasting things, what to do for careers and even meteors!
Three of the classes chose Lottie Loves Water to read. We found out all about Jo’s work as a Civil Engineer who is helping to save water. You can find out about how to get your own copies of the Lottie Books at Lottie – Engineering Together.
As always many thanks to the Cleveland Scientific Institution who funded the book printing; over 250 books have been given away to Tees Valley school children in 10 schools. To date over 1300 children have benefited from book readings and assemblies due to these visits.
The Oakdene students did some fantastic reading of the Lottie Books. We also chatted in the classrooms about Lottie’s visit to Paula and her work as a Civil Engineer.
In an all school assembly the students of asked some brilliant questions about looking after (maintaining) a major road. One of the great questions was ‘do engineers help people’ and the answer was of course yes!