More relevant than ever

As I look towards COP28 I have reflected on the Together we have one voice series which gave the youth a voice.

Time has passed but these concerns from our young people remain.

Please watch, listen and think….

Going in circles – Frustrations about wasteful past generations.  Waste prevention through the circular economy.

City Design for tomorrow – How can cities be more inclusive to communities? What the future holds?

What future will you leave for me? – Concerns of young people. What changes are needed in your town?

Are we training for a greener future? – What skills are needed to enable action? Is my education fit for the future?

Life long career learning for all

The wide variety of speakers with decades of experience between them gave the audience lots of food for thought.  There were lots of glimpses into what the future may hold for lifelong learning including exciting changes to apprenticeships such as bespoke units for all, this coupled with a new lifelong learning entitlement (their own fund) opens up an opportunity for all. 

We heard about how things have changed, are changing and will change at a rapid speed.  There was a strong thread of why we all need to and should undertake lifelong learning to keep up to speed and demonstrate our competency in the classroom and beyond. 

Without doubt this is must watch for anyone who wants to know what is available now and in the future so you can ensure yourself and your workforce are up to date and maximising their opportunities.

Listen to this insightful session on our EngTog YouTube channel.

STEM Award recognition

The 2023 STEM Awards is a night to celebrate the effort the regions STEM Ambassadors put in.

There were success stories from many we work with and Paula our Chair once again got the award for the highest recorded hours – for the third year running !

Well done everyone.

Women in Maritime Exhibition

Visit Lottie and some of our WES Tyne and Tees Cluster friends at the Women In Shipbuilding exhibition in Wallsend’s Forum shopping centre.

The Lost History of Women Shipbuilders runs from Tuesday 24 October until Sunday 19 November.

The Forum Shopping Centre is open daily. Check here for details and opening times at Lost History of Women Shipbuilders | Historic England.

Also why not check out the digital galleries at Rewriting Women Into Maritime History | Learn & Explore | Heritage & Education Centre (

Photo credit to North Tyneside Art Studio –