Postponement of the Great Exhibition of the Tees Valley (GETV)

Unfortunately given the current climate we have made the difficult decision to postpone the Great Exhibition of the Tees Valley (GETV).

When we plan this, hopefully for late 2020 or 2021 start, GETV will help raise national and international profile of the Tees Valley in a positive way for the benefit of the whole community.

The public events and activities across all five Boroughs that celebrate all that’s new and inspiring in the Tees Valley area across industry, innovation, science, design and technology.  

GETV will be built upon each year leading up to 2025 which marks the 200th year of the Stockton to Darlington Railway.In the meantime ideas and offers of support are most welcome, please email

Ironstone Trust Engineering Bridges Together

How could we have known? When we engaged last year with the Ironstone Trust of Primary schools on a bridge-and-gazebo-building project, no-one could foresee that within a few months every student’s home would have to become a school as well. 

At Engineering Together we have worked directly with over 200 local children, Yr4 and Yr5, alongside many teaching staff. We’ve introduced some basic creative construction experiences (marshmallows and spaghetti-based) as well a bit of background and theory. We’ve explored the nature and history of the first likely home for one of our real bridges – Ormesby Hall. 

Now, the team has ploughed on instead of giving up. Students are working at home on bridge-builds, taking the next steps – some ambitious, all filled with thought and imagination. Staff, students, families and the technical professions are building bridges actual and symbolic for the future. Trying things out, improving, trying again – the heart of any design process – with enthusiasm and enjoyment. 

At a time of maximum insecurity, this really does feel like Engineering Together.Check out the wonderful bridges the Year 4s at Normanby School made at home with what they have at

Meet our Climate Action Champion

I am delighted to welcome Julie Harrison as our Climate Change Champion.

Julie has been a Science and Engineering Presenter for over 10 years and is a Director at ‘Climate Action North’. She delivers projects in Schools to demonstrate careers in Engineering and Science.

Julie’s new project is ‘Climate Change – Scientists and Engineers needed’ will highlight the work currently going on in and around the Tees Valley and showcase how the current and future STEM workforce can help work towards a more sustainable future. As Chair I am certain that Julie’s expertise in the area of Climate Change will complement the work of Engineering Together so we can make a difference through education and action.

Engineering Together once more with Zetland Radio

Our Chair Paula gets interviewed by Julie Donaldson chatting about the need for STEM and how STEM Ambassadors link school subjects to the real world.  

Paula also chats about what people can do at home, to have fun and learn, by using the links in

Also Engineers which find themselves with time on their hands can refer to volunteering and upskilling sections.

Listen to Julie’s show on here. At 2 hours 20 minutes is when you can hear Paula’s interview.

Welcome to STEM at Home

Welcome to our new blog which was inspired by the desire to keep people busy (students, parents, teachers, volunteer engineers) during the current lock in.  

We are considering this as an opportunity to make the most of our time having fun whilst learning together with those at home.

Volunteers can use their Gift of Time knowing they are creating something which is both meaningful in the short term and leaves a lasting legacy.

Our Engineering Together volunteers have worked to bring this blog which will select activities suitable to do at home with accompanying short videos to show you how to do it.

We want people to share their experiences and send us what they have created or share their thoughts on what they have done.

There are lots of other ideas on STEM/Fun At Home page for those who wish to make their own adventures.  Let us know how you get on or indeed do your own video clip to share with others

STEM pages launched

Let’s make the most of our time having fun whilst learning together with those at home.

In the long term these web pages are a lasting legacy which will make the best use of our future time.

We want people to share their experiences and send us what they have created or share their thoughts on what they have done.So go and visit, see what you can do to have and of course keep smiling and stay safe.

Engineering Together at Home

To address some of the current unprecedented challenges faced by companies, individuals and families we have worked to bring together a comprehensive collection of STEM resources.

Thanks to all our collaborators and volunteers we have collated this for people at home, engineers and teachers in order to keep people busy during the current lock in.