Computer Science Championed

We were delighted that Monster Confidence were confirmed as visiting the Tees Valley (

Computer Science & Software Engineering Sub Group were welcomed

Role – Act as point of contact for Software Engineering / Computer Science contacts and information.

Champion – Andrew Simpson, BCS The Chartered Institute for IT

We can all Seymour skills

What a great meeting with Seymour’s finding out about how Engineering Together can link into the community work they do and their new exciting Skills Academy.

Rediscovered: Engineering Together

We’re a proud partner of the River Tees Rediscovered Landscape Partnership after being invited to their strategy meeting.

Looking forward to working together to promote our outdoor engineering schemes in and around the Tees Valley.

View looking downstream from the Tees Barrage

Full STEAM ahead

Engineering Together were happy to meet The Start Studio UK to talk about creative learning in the Tees Valley and how it can promote engineering and improve student resilience.

EngTog Chair Paula McMahon and Sara Calgie of the Start Studio

High Tide

High Tide ( are a registered charity about 7 years old who put on lots of different careers events in order to inform young people, mostly under privileged about the opportunities for work along the river.   

Events include river trips, week long cadetships, taking students through the life of a mobile phone from Taiwan to Asda, making port to part trips including international visits to Rotterdam. 

High Tide have engaged members and regularly help with events and go into schools (mock interviews, assemblies, workshops etc).  Sectors include transportation and engineering businesses, retail, finance, law, web design, IT and the Harbour Police.

These overlaps with Engineering Together are looking forward to working more closely in the future.

Promote Engineering Together

Our Champions have of course been very busy, and in our September meeting we found about all their good work.

Reminder that ‘many hands make light work’ – volunteers for active participation in any
aspect of what we are doing would be most welcome.

Our handbook was developed and rolled out at our September meeting which has helped form the basis of the website.

Get in touch if you want to be involved

When EngTog met two Councils

Great meetings with Richard McGuckin from Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council and Denise McGuckin from Hartlepool Borough Council.

Looking forward to working together on the Great Exhibition of the Tees Valley (GETV) and other exciting projects.

Vice Chair Paul Frank, GETV Champion Paul Ingram, Chair Paula McMahon and SBCs Director of Economic Growth and Development Richard McGuckin
Kieran Bostock HBC, Denise McGuckin Director of Regeneration and Neighbourhoods, Paula, Paul and Tony Hanson HBC

North East Apprenticeship Ambassadors Network

Paula met with North East Apprenticeship Ambassadors Network (NEAAN).

As with many organisations there are lots of overlaps with STEM and diversity between NEAAN and Engineering Together. 

NEAAN is one of nine in the country, it covers the whole of the North East and every sectors including engineering and construction.

It aims to encourage young people and employers to be on / take on Apprenticeships through employer engagement.

Their Young Ambassadors Network includes 60 Ambassadors over the North East.  Those wanting to become ambassadors are given one day presentation training. 

Apprenticeship Standards aim to provide a framework for all sectors

River Tees Rediscovered and Groundworks

Paula McMahon, Paul Frank and Jackie Dixon Daley met River Tees Rediscovered and Groundworks. 

We found out some very interesting things including the Big Barrage Picnic increased number to 5000 this year and has lots of STEM engagement targeting a group which are normally not engaged. 

2020 marks the 25th anniversary of Tees Barrage.

The Festival of Thrift includes STEM stuff and how to build a clean city this year, circa 30,000 visitors expected 14th-15th September.