Let’s talk Neurodiversity

Thanks to all who attended the latest online Mentioning the Unmentionable event on Neurodiversity.  Listen and watch on our YouTube channel using this direct link –  https://youtu.be/pjVtllj-3J4.

Whilst everyone’s experiences are unique to themselves there were things which we can all learn from. The personal stories from Tosin, Clare and Rosie really resonated with many in our audience.

The solutions to make the world more welcoming to our speakers also offers solutions to make everyone feel more included and cared for. Our workplaces would really benefit from some of the suggestions provided. For further learning also check out Rosie’s Divergent Consulting website at https://www.divergent-consulting.co.uk.

Mary provided insights and details of online learning resource for teachers, teaching assistants, SENCOs, and school leaders for supporting autistic and neurodivergent pupils. The concepts of this are also highly relevant to our STEM workplaces. For further learning check out Mary’s resource at https://www.tripleadurham.co.uk  and her other resource recommendation at https://salvesen-research.ed.ac.uk/leans.

Thank you to all our speakers, hosts as shown and Jo Douglas-Harris who facilitated behind the scenes

This series of talks on difficult subjects to inform and support is proving to be very popular. You may be interested some of the previous events in the series:

·    The Parenthood Penalty – https://youtu.be/02y_c6FdRJE

·    Menopause! – https://youtu.be/T4H9K1d6A3M